Sunday, April 19, 2009

WOW, are ya'll as fired up as I am??

We the Extremists!

On tax day the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement that there are terrorist movements growing and it turns out that the terrorists/hate groups as abortion opponents, opponents to ILLEGAL immigration or veterans struggling to re-adjust to society. DHS just called me a terrorist!! Funny, I thought that a terrorist used random violence to create TERROR in order to gain control.

Hmmmm, so does this mean DHS is TERRIFIED?? Of us??

AWESOME! We didn't even have to blow anybody up!!
This is way better than I thought!!

There were people out across the country in force to show their disapproval for the mismanagement of our money and the protest of giving them MORE money to mismanage, but did any of you catch the CNN report of the Chicago protest? Check out this link to Glenn Beck to see the video.

This was not the only miscategorization of what we were doing; the LA Times called Tea Party Participants "steeped in insanity" and the Washington Post used the term "nutjobs". Now considering the source of those otherwise insulting comments, I am not at all insulted. Frankly, I see their comments as a sign that we are quite effective at no longer being IGNORED.

I am still reeling from the under reaction from the mainstream media and the overwhelming success of the protests considering how dismissive the media was from the beginning.

While CNN referred to a peaceful, lawful protest as "not family viewing", I saw LOTS of families and check out these little patriots! How adorable are they?? Funny, they don't look very dangerous. Whoa, look out! They have American flags!!

Congress has wasted billions of our hard earned money. Why should we give them more?? Learn to properly manage what you have before you ask me to pay for anything else. I do not see any reason that federal tax dollars should go to fund tattoo removal for gangs in California, Pig Odor Research in Iowa and numerous parks and sports complexes around the country. If California wants to pay for tattoo removal - let CALIFORNIA pay for it! If Iowa is concerned about the smell of pigs, let IOWA pay for the research ( I can probably save you $1.7-8 Billion - Yes, pigs do smell! Hey, I am just saying.). If local governments want tennis courts and dog parks, then let them pay for it. How did all this garbage become a federal issue??

The feds have way overstepped the authority given to them in the Constitution. They each swear an oath to defend the Constitution, but now seem to think it is IRRELEVANT.

My constitution is NOT irrelevant and I will not sit on the sidelines anymore. This is not about Obama, Pelosi or any other individual. This is about RIGHT and WRONG.

Opposing ILLEGAL immigration does not make me a "racist", opposing abortion does not make me a "terrorist" and exorcising my Constitutional rights to freedom of association and speech does not make me a "nutjob". I will not sit down; I will not go away; and this is not over by a long shot!! We have only begun to fight!!


  1. I agree with your points 100000% I am a certified nutjob here in California, a badge of honor to me, noone gets it!

  2. Wow, there are nutjobs in CA too?? Awesome! I am sure it is difficult out there, but be brave!! We will prevail!


happy to have any opinion even if it differs. I only ask that you keep it clean and on point. Name calling and obscene rants will be deleted. This is a place for RATIONAL people to discuss and debate issues.