Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is anybody watching??

GM is asking the government to take 50% of the company and the shareholders will retain only about 1% of the company.


I do not think this is a very good idea - government becoming part owner in a retail business. Directly competing with other business' owned by taxpayers.... I am pretty sure the courts have ruled against this kind of thing...

The great divide is outlined like this: 1% shareholders, 10% bondholders,
39% UAW (the union), 50% Federal Gov't

I am appalled at the proposed plan that Obama is cheering on. We can not sit on the sidelines and let the government take over everything. Are we willing to give up our independence?

NOT ME!!I am waiting to hear from Glenn Beck staff to start a 912 Project here in my neck of the Texas woods. The 912 Project was started by Glenn Beck in response to the lunacy taking over this country.

Here's what you need to know about the 912 Project:
If you agree with these principals and values, join us in this fight for our country!
The 9 Principles
1. America Is Good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson

The 12 Values
* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude

Monday, May 18, 2009

Invasion of Privacy??

If you have not heard of the Backscatter X-Rays, you need to hear about them now. I do not know about you, but I am am not really willing to give up a basic Constitutional Right to not submit to unreasonable searches and seizures just to get on an airplane. This is what some people are being asked to do in the year 2009. It is a virtual strip search conducted in the name of airport security.

I am no leftist, but how far are we willing to go in the name of security?? Where is the crazy ACLU when there is a legitiamate threat to our freedom??? I am not sure what criteria determines who is asked to submit to this humilation; if any of you know - please let me know! I am unlikely to fly as long as this is the direction that TSA is allowed to move by Congress!!

I do not think some TSA officer needs to see my boobs or fat rolls to protect an airplane!! They claim that there are privacy measures taken, but since when has government been completly honest or had any clue about security (such as... the Southern US border!!)??

Through the coarse of my employment, I submit to annual background checks, but am still required to go through airport security just like anybody else. After September 11, TSA was strip searching little old women when their knee replacements set off metal detectors. Leaving privacy issues and any type of decision making authority to the grey-matter deficient airport security is like leaving the Three Stooges in charge.

When will Congress actually defend our CONSTITUTION??

Sunday, April 19, 2009

WOW, are ya'll as fired up as I am??

We the Extremists!

On tax day the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement that there are terrorist movements growing and it turns out that the terrorists/hate groups as abortion opponents, opponents to ILLEGAL immigration or veterans struggling to re-adjust to society. DHS just called me a terrorist!! Funny, I thought that a terrorist used random violence to create TERROR in order to gain control.

Hmmmm, so does this mean DHS is TERRIFIED?? Of us??

AWESOME! We didn't even have to blow anybody up!!
This is way better than I thought!!

There were people out across the country in force to show their disapproval for the mismanagement of our money and the protest of giving them MORE money to mismanage, but did any of you catch the CNN report of the Chicago protest? Check out this link to Glenn Beck to see the video.

This was not the only miscategorization of what we were doing; the LA Times called Tea Party Participants "steeped in insanity" and the Washington Post used the term "nutjobs". Now considering the source of those otherwise insulting comments, I am not at all insulted. Frankly, I see their comments as a sign that we are quite effective at no longer being IGNORED.

I am still reeling from the under reaction from the mainstream media and the overwhelming success of the protests considering how dismissive the media was from the beginning.

While CNN referred to a peaceful, lawful protest as "not family viewing", I saw LOTS of families and check out these little patriots! How adorable are they?? Funny, they don't look very dangerous. Whoa, look out! They have American flags!!

Congress has wasted billions of our hard earned money. Why should we give them more?? Learn to properly manage what you have before you ask me to pay for anything else. I do not see any reason that federal tax dollars should go to fund tattoo removal for gangs in California, Pig Odor Research in Iowa and numerous parks and sports complexes around the country. If California wants to pay for tattoo removal - let CALIFORNIA pay for it! If Iowa is concerned about the smell of pigs, let IOWA pay for the research ( I can probably save you $1.7-8 Billion - Yes, pigs do smell! Hey, I am just saying.). If local governments want tennis courts and dog parks, then let them pay for it. How did all this garbage become a federal issue??

The feds have way overstepped the authority given to them in the Constitution. They each swear an oath to defend the Constitution, but now seem to think it is IRRELEVANT.

My constitution is NOT irrelevant and I will not sit on the sidelines anymore. This is not about Obama, Pelosi or any other individual. This is about RIGHT and WRONG.

Opposing ILLEGAL immigration does not make me a "racist", opposing abortion does not make me a "terrorist" and exorcising my Constitutional rights to freedom of association and speech does not make me a "nutjob". I will not sit down; I will not go away; and this is not over by a long shot!! We have only begun to fight!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Texas Tea Party Success!!!

I am thrilled to report that the Denton Tea Party was a huge success and that when I returned home, I found that so were the others across the country!! Here are pics took in Denton, Texas on the grounds of the beautiful Denton County Courthouse!

That woman is my dear friend, Sue B - Sue B is related to several appointed and elected other Bs in the North Texas area, but we love her anyway!

This one is a personal favorite, Sue B took pitures of it too!

There are lots more pics and other great signs! I will publish more over the weekend! Plus, I will add Sue Bs pics too!

I have to say, I have been so frustrated lately that I lost momentum, but this really fired me up again! More to come!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I have been gone from the blog for a while because I can not stand to watch what is happening in this country!! It gives me a headache and makes me very cranky for my family to live with so I have taken a break from any news and current events. However, it is TIME TO PARTY!!

I will be at the Denton, Texas Tea Party on April 15 protesting the out of control Congress, the endless spending, BAILOUTS, amnesty, fiscal irresponsibility and higher taxes!! I encourage enery like-minded American to find the nearest local TEA PARTY and make an appearance. Congress will hear about the multitudes of people that show up. Show them where the PEOPLE PAYING THE BILLS stand.

Show them what WE THE PEOPLE stand for by your presence!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Good grief, Charlie Brown!!

Can you believe AIG is back for more money?? As hard as that pill is to swallow, how abou the legislators that are giving the money to AIG??

30 billion - THIRTY BILLION more tax payer dollars to pay for golf trips and spa days!! I know that I would love a trip to the spa, but since I am busy paying for the AIG executives, I can't really afford to get my own spa day. Hope you enjoy it Liddy!!

I am so astonished that no one in DC seems to notice the recent market trend. See if you can pick it out...
Bailout AIG - the DOW drops
BAILOUT AIG again - the market drops
Announce $200K spending for tattoo removal
among other incredible spending in the "recovery bill" - the market drops
Bailout AIG AGAIN - the market drops
Bailout AIG for the 4TH time with no end in sight - the market drops


If a company is so big that the entire economy of the Unites States rests on its success or failure - IT IS TOO BIG!!! GET the DOJ in there to break up some of these grossly oversized companies and allow the failing companies to fail!! When they leave the market there is room for another aspiring business man or woman to enter the arena and have his/her chance at making a go of things. THIS IS THE WAY THE SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED!!

I am going to vote against every incumbant until we start seeing some real change - not Obama's version of change - which is no change, just a recycling of the same old partisan crap!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Is anybody out there sick of Congress?? I am so disgusted with all of them I do not know what do do!! The Democrats have gone completely bonkers over the last 15 - 20 years. The Republicans are not much better. They haven't gone bonkers, but when they are in power they don't do what they should. They talk tough during elections, but are all talk and no action.

Between them they are tearing this country apart!! They are going to spend us into oblivion, turn us into a socialist nation and completely ignore the will of the people.

What do we do?? About %50 of the population is not paying attention, but then go out and vote by who "looks good". I actually had a girl tell me she was voting for Obama, but when I asked why, she couldn't tell me. She admitted that she did not really know much about the issues and when I suggested that she go the library and do a little research before voting. A Democrat that was also participating in the conversation said she did not need to and told her to just go vote. I asked the Dem if she was really telling this young girl to not get educated on political issues before voting, then I looked at the girl and said, "That should tell you something." A very sad tale, but unfortunatly completely true and not even out of the ordinary. How many people do you know that vote without knowing ANYTHING about the candidate, the issues or why they are voting for a particular candidate??

How do we fix this problem?? I am open to ideas!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fire the Incumbants

We need to fire all elected officials. The only people we can bame for thise mess is ourselves. We are either not paying attention, not voting or not getting involved. How else can you explain what is happening to our country. I am praying that something happens to stop the insanity!!